Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I was just watching a few moments of last week's episode of Lost (not my fave show but it holds my interest), and was reminded that the show featured the Stooges' song "Search and Destroy" prominently in a scene early in the episode. When I watched the whole episode last week the song totally took me by surprise - I mean, sure, Stooges songs have been turning up in Nike commercials and such for the past few years but somehow it's still surprising when a song so aggressive and downright bad-ass shows up in such a mainstream pop culture place.

All the more interesting is the fact that the song isn't just there in the background but it's right there in the foreground during the scene in question, when the super-weird John Locke (a character who literally doesn't seem to be himself in this season's episodes) happens upon the show's bad boy character, James Sawyer, who's sulking by himself in an abandoned house drinking a bottle of liquor. An interesting mix of song and character, and one of the first times I've seen a prime time TV show use such a raw rock and roll song in a way that wasn't either tongue in cheek or doused with an aura of moral panic.

I'm very curious as to how much thought was put into the choice of song by the producers of the show. Lost isn't one of those shows where the soundtrack is usually a big point of interest - it's not like The Sopranos or, in a totally different vein, Gilmore Girls, shows where the soundtrack continually fed into the story and character development. Who decided that "Search and Destroy" should be such a centerpiece?


  1. Yes, the Stooges had a role in that scene with /Sawyer, didn't they? A little volume when Locke walked into the house in shambles. Lost doesn't use music as markers like some shows, but I seem to recall viewers/listeners were treated to the Pixies playing in Jack's truck in a different episode.

    Hey, you never commented on the blog post I did inspired by your book.

  2. Hi Chris. I thought that linking your blog to mine was my way of "commenting," a gesture of saying "thanks, man." I've been wary of commenting on blog posts that talk about my book, even though I appreciate it deeply when people discuss it - seems sort of egotistical to me to chime in as THE AUTHOR. But maybe I need to get over it.
